I needed to design a Logo for my new site, business cards and any other stationery that required it, but as you read earier my old site and logo designs were outdated and were not contemporary for the new designs that were at the time electric pulses in my mind.
Anyway to cut a long story short, I skipped the quick sketches like you do when it’s for yourself, fired up Illustrator and came up with the following.
With the Logo designed I could get started on my business cards. Most business cards are bloated with far too much information that is not needed. First impressions are everything, so the quality of the business card has to be paramount.


With the design finished all that was left was to get the artwork to the printers. I opted for a matt lamination as it adds to the feel of the card and if needed you can write on them unlike with gloss lamination. The stock was 450gms which is alot thicker than the average 300-350 gms business card.